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Hospitality in tour and travel tourism is a standard component which help to accommodate the facilities to the tourist which include provide best hotel in cheap rate with proper clubs, pubs and atering facilities, it also included kitchen and chefs who help in making foods with best quality and neat, ventilated surface area. This report also explains the role of hospitality in our daily life, the integration and skills to plan hospitality business. The report also depicts the role of mergers and acquisition in different company and shows the contribution in market field. The report also shows the impact and implication of hospitality during merging and acquisition. It gives an idea to impliment many changes when a business is ready to mix with another firm. For making new business it needs many operational requirements which are also describe in this report. Overall, it throw some light on Hospitality in travel and tourism .
Hospitality sector is one of the biggest crucial sector which help in international travel and tourism industry. It is a broad category which include lodging, event planning, parks, trasportation, housekeeping, catering and chefs, even proper management of rooms with good cleaning floors and any additional facilities needed while travelling. It help to accommodate all the business accomodation to travellers when they they are planning for other destination. There are many websites which help to know their personal experience and evalutions and provide all the information related to destination (Moutinho and Vargas-Sanchez, 2018). As hospitality sector provide services like accommodation, tour and travelling, foods and beverages, comfortable zone etc. and it is consider superior among all the sector.
Hospitality simply means to provide safe and enjoyable zone and environment to the travellers. There are many point which should be consider while travelling like restaurants and kitchen, should be in convenient areas with proper air conditioning but as we see there are many kitchens in old and smaller eating place which are not proper ventilated (Bergamin and Braun, 2018). Even working condition of those kitchens are also not proper and the food which baked is also smell so fast. So, workers usually are in pressure and lifting heavy pots and utensil, even working near hot ovens and grills. There are many job hazard like cut and burns, so there should be complete safety measure regarding destination planning.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act : this act covers all the general equipment which lead to healthy and safe workplace. It is the responsibilities and duty of care that employees and employers to promote safe and healthy environment. As food hygiene, health and safety act provides all the food hygiene rules for those people who work in hospitality sector and it also review rules are followed to regulate hygiene, health and safety practices. Next is role of Chef who provide safe preparation and service related to food,even law states that food handling is a great legal responsibility and to maintain it in a hygiene and safe manner.
The Gambling Act : when hospitality mix with gaming sector it becames most important sector of economy. The main objective of this act, to protect state and community from interactive gambling. Motive of this act is to play with honesty, harm to individual should be minimised and players should be vary fair towards the game. Rehabilitation and compensation law help to increase the staff retaintion power, bulid better employee relation and overall help to improve the productivity. This act is developed to get injured person back as soon as possible with minimal cost (Kim and Pan, 2018). In Consumer Protection Law, there are eqaul rights provide to them for fair trade competition and free flow of true information in the market. This law is basically designed to protect business from fraud and unfair practices and also provide additional to weak people and those who does not care themselves.
Trade Practises Act : it deals with all parts of market place like in unfair practices, product safety, controlling price and industry codes of practice. This act assures customers that they are dealing with right business which have high standard. Hospitality sector provides safer and healthy environment whether they are related to kitchen, food and beverages, clubs, hotel, tourist enterprise and cafes (Mahrous and Hassan, 2017). It is duty of employees and employers to help each other and shared responsibilities to promote safe security with healthy environment which help to minimses risk of harm to any person. This responsibility is known as Duty of Care. In hospitality and tourism, they indulge people from all nationalities and try to became it so vast and diverges.
The Anti-discrimination law states that all the people who are working in hospitality should be treated equally by gender, age, race, ethicity, nationality, sexual orientation and some other religious and political factor whereas the Equal and Employment act states that all the employee should equally benefitted and different services to employees with attractive incentives (Schegg and Stangl, 2017). Many chef also move on from their current position to became owner of their own restaurants or transfer into management position like front office, housekeeping, finance/accounts, waiter, maintenance officer etc.
While planning for the tour, there must be a camping parks, caravanning and lodges because it help the people to enjoy the nature and to do outdoor activities which help to get know about the place and peoples without using technologies. Lodges are found in wooden and mountain ranges as it is good option for family trip and romantic getways because it provide more facilities with group of cabins and ski resort having best in quality.
Generally,when tourist reach their destination, they firstly check their hotel rooms and the way they are treated. Accomodation is actually a basic component which provide holiday packages. Tourist may offer different types of budget package which include 1 to 3 star accomodation, 4 to 5 star, but it all depends on tourist that how much they spend on hotels. In general as star rating decrease in number, facilities and services are also decreases and the quality of living standard may low ( Tan and Choon, 2017). Next is cleanliness which is a feature of trip advisor,and it is rated in all services together like in location, service, rooms, sleep quality and value for money etc. many people can click candid to claim their cleanliness quality which they offer. So, hotel services may vary from country to country as well as from brand to brand.
When different types of company merge or aquisite, they face lot of implications as in Marriot takeover Starwood hotels and resort by 12,2 billion which is the largest transaction in the hotel and Hilton acquired Blackstone for 26 billion in 2015, France's Accor hotel bought Toronto with $2.7 million. As there are many companies which may marge or acquired by others and they face many implications related to their product such as they realises the importance of their brand as when merging old company have to forget all past branding name and their pricing policies related to that product (Buhalis and Foerste, 2015). It increase the globalization power of the industry means they increase the economic power with rapid increase in transfer the good into another state or country . It also help in enhancing services and technology with capital as Marriot takeover Starwood Hotel due to having high economical power .
When Hilton acquires Blackstone, the control and manipulation of the market is strong as this company was not working proper then to control policies and reducing cost Hilton acquires and it also faces some implication like new employees are joined to run the company which creates some obstacles as to compete with larger organization they have to follow the run and rule policy. There are many implication occur during the time of merging like increased in globalization and incresed in economical power as reducing the cost of product and sell them in discount rate which is beneficial for the customers. When a company thinks for merging then they face independent establishment as they did not run the company alone without any help, even they may feel the importance of their brand and pricing policies .
To survive in this competetion world, they need to run and develop strategy to maintain or expand the share of market and to fulfil this they merge and acquire with other firms as they loss expertises, when the employee feel insecure in new organization and role in different environment (Mahrous and Hassan, 2017). Next complication comes, to adjust with different and new culture, as it is difficult to accept new culture and result comes in clash among employees which need to be resolve. When Marriot link with Starwood Hotel, they easily get adjusted because they manage the coflicts among the staff to reduce confusion, frustration etc. through merging and acquisition the conclusion is drawn that it help in increase in globalization in industry, help to know more about policies and product related aspect, decrease competition and help to develop interelation between employees and employer in order to achieve the targets with given time.
As many small business are not ready to accept the changes, so the big firms mix small firms with them and help to reduce the competition level this is known as Integration . There are two types of integration which are mention below:
Horizontal Integration : integration done in same level of company is known as horizontal integration. This can be achieved by internal expansion and in this type of integration different types of firm mix in order to increase the level of production. It include in favourable economic scale, increased market power, and reduction in cost and also expands in different activity .But on the other side it also result in monopolies and reduces the flexibility and making it harder to manage for resulting organization.
Vertical integration : this is the strategy where company expands its different operation into many steps on same production of path like manufactureer owns its supplier and distributor.as it help to reduce the company's cost with improve efficeiny by decrease in transportation facilities, turning time etc. as many compnay choose this type of integration because it help in lower the cost and provide better quality of product, it also may face disruptions and can avoid different strike and labor disputes too. And it face less competition and gives large economy scale too. But on the other side it also face the problem of less profit margins as it reduce the flexibilty and loss the focus of the company,even they did not change factories with lower exchange rates with different countries..
There are lot of impact done while integration done such as only some major organization left as in integration or merger and aqusition only some or limited company are left behind, it also help in increase in economic scale as they offer discount which help for customer to buy more and more things with providing large quantity and best quality. As it also help in reduction of independent business means when two company merge and establishes only one company then the number of company reduce and independent business running policy may also decrease (Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, 2015). If the company is merge then there is increase in market share and help to increase in fewer market place, when integration is done then the need of employees are also decrease and it will create in unemployement in business sector. During merging, the business will help in standarisation as it is going to help in increasing in economic scale (Acquisition 2018). When it reduce in independent business which affect the control of subsectors and when decisions are made, all the subsectors are responsible for future result.
As in developing hospitality, choosing a restaurants is quite good way to attract customers and name is 'Mash Restaurant'. This paln includes many different aspects such as:
Concept: the overall process of restaurants design, planning are offered in suitable form with good disciline. The main concept of developing restaurants is to attract customers and for attracting them need to popularise restaurants by using social sites, pempltaes etc.
Products and services : in mash restaurants, products are available such as white chocolate mousse, beef tataki, sushi, 2 types of courses are available with complete plate and offers different types of wine with shots including hukka and many more things.
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Marketing Strategies : first marketing strategies comes to make familiar with social sites. Post everything about your product in those sites to let people knew about your product. As it may also considered 7 P's which are product (offers breakfast, lunch, dinner, cold drink, wines, beer, sprouts etc) , place (it include the distribution of product which should be clean and services are provide quickly and fast) process (the services which are offers should in proper process and consumed in proper way) price (it includes different strategies to reduce price according to season as it include skimming and penetration), physical evidence (product which are offer should be in smart and attractive way as it provide food, whose presentation way should attract the customers), promotion (it include special offers, advertising, discount and free gift in order to attract), people (who work in that premises are employees, chefs, supervisor and owner too) as these marketing strategies help to know information related to those product which are offering in Mash Restaurants.
Target : restaurants are made to attract certain group of people. Local food provide by the restaurants are attract local people but to attract other, have some special quality which help to attract many other people other than regular customers as this is the tarket of the restaurants (Chen and Chen, 2017). It also refer to target the young generation as to make it popular in business and it also follows Segmentation, targetive and positioning which means choosing right demographic way and and positioniong in right time as to make it improve in all factor, target all the near by customer in order to sell all the product.
It is also used in developing in marketing. It also beat by SWOT analysis and TWOS matrix. As STP is used in making good marketing communication with people to know about the new technologies and product and it help to deliever more relevant message to the audience. As segmentation help to identify the base for dveloping restaurants and determine the characteristics of eacg segment. Next is targeting, which evaluate potential and commercial attractiveness of each segment. Last positioning, which help to know detail about restaurants and it also help to know the marketing mix for each segment.
Funding : to run a restaurants, must have enough budget as it need more money to construct and to filled it with all the neseccary items as it need so money or can use investors also to solve the money related problem. Can take loan from bank to run the business but it charge interest more.
Scale : dinning room of a restaurants cover almost 60 percent of the area and rest is covers by kitchen and approx 5000 sq.ft place will be needed to construct restaurants.
Licensing : a restaurants must filled all the forms which relate to government and the quality of offering food should be best and there should be membership form also to take advantage and help in discount purpose. Food should be categorised according to their category this help to make good impression towards the customers.
There are many operations which generate to run a restaurant, which are mention below :
Staffing with functional areas : in Mash Restaurant, when the staff are placing should have their individual role of area, which means no one is interfering in others workplace. Supervisor should be hire in order to look after everyone's work and if the mistake is done by any staff can be corrected easily.
Special qualification : all the staff including supervisors should have their maters degree and should have knowledge related to the workplace (Kim and Pan, 2018). It simply means they should have their special qualification in order to help to run business in right path.
Staffing issue related to seasonality : if any worker is going to holiday then there must substitute to complete work on behalf of him. Proper holidays should also provide according to seasons, festives and any other occassions.
Cultural diversity and ways to deal with conflict : there should not any discrimination rel;ated to caste and gender in Mash Restaurant, everyone are welcome and can enjoy all the facility provide in the premises. Workers who work here have enough knowledge in order to protect himself from every conflict and problems.
Recruitment policies and procedure : in Mash restaurant, promotions are done in order to see the quality of work doing and there are even recruiting policies to add more employees if the system is in proper working condition.
Compliance with legislation : it means that restaurant must follow al the rules and regulation offer by the government such as pay taxes, complete all the license form including rent and other documents.
Promotional activities: if the restaurant are not known by the people then how gathering come, to promote the activities, use social sites to show all the activities done in restaurant and brief about the place including the details of food offer and extra facilities given in that place.
Pricing : price of the food can be up and down related to season. Make sure price is quite affordable so that people can afford it (Tan and Choon, 2017). Minimum price of the food can attract more customer and quality of food should be in best condition and there should be discount vouchers also in order to make attraction towards the restaurant.
From the above report, it proves that hospitality actually palys a crucial role in the field of tour and travel. As this report gives whole scene related to accomodation provide during planning a tour. From above report it is also concluded that travel and tourism are interelated to each other and the impact and implications of integration on business and hospitality are also wide and huge which may take the business in positive or negative side. This report help to know that decisions are actually linked to travel and hospitality sector in order to achieve the targets to run it more smoothly. The entire report help to know more about hospitality has its more contribution in the all field but specially in travelling sector as it provide many advisor who help to know more about destination point and provide all the neseccary facilities in order to make trip enoyable and fruitful.
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